Catnip: the herb of infatuation, and so much more.

Catnip-- it isn’t just attractive to our feline friends!

Our cat, Jack, claimed this catnip plant as his own.

Catnip is an herb of Venus and is ruled by elemental Water. Catnip has a powerful association with love, luck, lust, and beauty. It is sometimes called the “women’s love” herb, but it can be used by persons of any gender for magic having to do with love, enchantment, and infatuation. Catnip is used for seduction, and is a mild aphrodisiac. Catnip is relatively happy-go-lucky: if you are working on more serious types of love magic, try a less capricious herb, like basil or rose. Catnip also encourages happiness and mental well-being.

Because of its mild sedative properties, I have had good experience using catnip for work with the subconscious, intuition, and dreams.

Catnip is also known as catmint.

Medicinally, catnip is excellent for respiratory issues, cough, asthma, bronchitis, and as a fever reducer. It is a digestive aid, increases the appetite in cases of poor appetite due to colds or flu, it eases aches and pains, and has gentle sedative properties. It is a mild emmenagogue and should not be used during pregnancy.

I make a tincture from catnip to have on hand for cold season. I liken it to herbal “Nyquil”.

You can use the flowers in this tincture.

Catnip Tincture

For cold and flu.


  • 2-3 cups brandy
  • at least 1 1/2 cups fresh catnip: stems, leaves, and flowers are all useful


Pack mason jars with fresh, clean, dry catnip as tightly as you can. Pour brandy into each jar up to ¼ inch from the brim. Seal the jars tightly with clean lids and place in a cool, dark location for 6 weeks. Shake each jar once a week. At the end of 6 weeks, strain the tincture into clean jars. Label and store in the fridge or a cool, dark pantry for up to a year. Take by tablespoon for colds, or add to hot tea or hot toddies. DO NOT give to children or drink in large quantities, as this is a strong herbal tincture which contains alcohol. NOT advised for use by pregnant women, as catnip is a mild emmenagogue.

Catnip flowers look like tiny yawning cats. 

Catnip Dreaming Tea

A gentle, relaxing tea with mild sedative properties. Use for intuition and dream work. NOT advised for use by pregnant women, as catnip is a mild emmenagogue.


Use dried herbs for this tea.

  • 2 tsp Catnip
  • 1 tsp Skullcap
  • 1 tsp Lavender
  • 1 tsp Chamomile
  • 1 tsp Lemon balm


Brew this in 2-4 cups very hot (but not boiling!) water for 10 minutes. Strain well, and serve plain or with a little honey.

Sir Pudding Jinglebeans, happily dreaming, after getting into the catnip in the garden.


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